22 Apr 2012


So we decided to order a personalised fingerprinted ring via Etsy for Mr. B.
He chose the design and seemed quite please with it. After some very quick communication with the seller, our kit was sent to us for initial prints.

This is what was waiting for me when I got home from work on Thursday

I opened up the package to find a seemingly complex pack of things alongside full instructions

The fingerprint kit pack came with a ring sizing set, some marketing material (post cards and business cards), instructions, plastic tongs and 4 blank fingerprint strips. These looked like flat, black wax strips stuck onto a strip of foam.

I converted the measurements to Celcius and ML for accurate results as the instructions came to me in Farenheit and Ounces. I had to use boiling water and wait until the temperature was just right to get the strips to melt optimally. Luckily we had a roasting thermometer on hand!

While I was waiting for the kettle to boil, I was instructed to soak my hand in warm water for 8 minutes so that my prints were more pronounced. I took them out after 4 minutes as they were starting to get too pruney!

I was given 4 strips to make prints from and was told they would use the best looking print for the ring. Takes a bit of pressure off doesn't it?!

 and viola! one of my fingerprints drying.

I'm going to send the kit back tomorrow, ready for production. That blue thing you see stuck onto the back of the prints is ring sizer. Excited to see the end result!

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