18 Mar 2012

Hair Inspiration

In light of my new 'do, I am convinced that I want to wear my hair down with big soft curls a-la Hilary Swank. I usually wear my hair down most days, and am not one to try something new on my wedding day.

While I'm not sure what I'll wear in my hair, I know that it definately won't be a veil. I've never understood their function, considering the tradition and symbolism is so outdated! Besides, I think a veil undermines the casual nature of a beach wedding. Anyway while I will be bypassing the veil, I want to wear fresh flowers in my hair. Not sure if I want just one big flower like this beautiful bride (whose hair styling looks amazing BTW)

Or if I want several smaller flowers weaved around in a headband style

Decisions decisions...


  1. mmh, maybe you could do both? Big flower for the ceremony and a daisy type chain for the reception?
